November 16, 2022

Cardinals Real and Unreal

There is at least one cardinal who lives on my block. He is fairly bold so I've been able to take his picture with my phone while I was walking the dog. These two pictures were taken five days apart.

Wild Bird Wednesday 

I decided to show you some AI pictures of cardinals so I went to FreeImageGenerator and tried to create pictures of northern cardinals  in different artist’s styles. Some of them were ridiculous and some are passable. Artificial intelligence still has a long way to go.

Only the first one looks like the birds I had in mind. The algorithm seems to use some artistic license.



  1. Cardinal looks surreal on the tree. The painting is even better

  2. Love the real cardinals, they are beautiful. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. ...I haven't seen cardinals in awhile.

  4. I'm sure it's fun to play around with the software, even if the results are not quite what you would expect. Male and female cardinals are daily visitors at my feeders and common throughout the neighbourhood.

  5. I always enjoy seeing our cardinals, pretty photos. AI came up with some fascinating versions.

  6. We tend to see cardinals mostly in the countryside here.

  7. How cool! I love cardinals. Sadly we don't see them in the Pacific NW.

  8. I love Cardinals too...bright birds against our grey winter landscape!!


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