October 8, 2022

An Update from Charlie

Hi! I am a good boy no matter what Mom says. I'm also very cute and I don't know why she does things like changing my photo or covering me in clothes, or worse yet, a halter. Fortunately I have strong teeth and I was able to get the halter off while I was riding in the back seat. Mom was not too pleased about that, and then again today when I chewed through my leash, she gave me a funny look. 

I have some toys and I am careful about chewing them. I want them to last a while.

The most exciting thing that happened this week was we went to the dog park when there were other dogs there. I had met the black dog before near the dog park but then I was getting back in the car and she was just getting there. This time we were able to play and run around really fast.

Sometimes I see other animals from the car.

Today we went to a different park and they were people talking. Mom sat on a bench with me. Then we came back home. 

I have been here for a month now and I like it most of the time. 

I hope we get to go to the dog park again soon. People are okay but dogs are more fun.


  1. So good to see cute dogs making the day better

  2. Sooner or later he should outgrow the chewing stage.

  3. Hello,
    Cute doggies! I love the goats too. The dog parks are a great idea, Charlie looks like he enjoys meeting other dogs. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Sweet little guy...you have also bitten off a lot, to foster him out of his earlier traumas. Best of wishes for success.

  5. Charlie seems to be adjusting just fine. Cute little guy!!

  6. What fun! We have a dog park in our community and I know I would be there often if I had a dog. I keep hoping I WILL have a good some day!

  7. Looks like a sweet guy! Best wishes for success!

  8. What a sweetie. They do outgrow the chewing phase.

  9. Charlie is just an OKAY dog. Beagles will be anxious when you are gone, will eat things then, walls and linoleum. If you have a kennel for him I would advise using that when you leave. It gradually goes away, could be a year or two.
    Adi liked her stuffed teddy bear best. When she played rough she would shake them like a ferocious dog. She liked to play toss the bear down the hall or room and she would get it. Didn't want to give it up though for another round. The average bear would last about three months average before the seams broke. Walmart was selling them for 5 or six dollars. One my sister sewed back up for us. You will know when that happens, stuffing will be all over the floor. Oh yes, she ate one of my shoes, we had kept her when alone in the utility room and I just happened to leave the shoe in there.
    I still miss her, even though it was in 2012 when she died. We were buddies.

    1. He’s afraid of the crate. I keep putting his toys in there to try to convince him it’s a good place.

  10. He is so cute -- it would be too easy for me to forgive him his chewing ))

  11. Yes, Charlie, you are furry cute indeed.


  12. Charlie seems to be a great dog but it sounds like it will take awhile for him to get over his traumas.


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