October 9, 2022

Inspiration, Moon, and Shadows

An Inspiring Idea Found on the Internet:

Moon: Since I took this with the cell phone, it blurred a little. I darkened the picture so that it looked passable.

Shadows and Barns: 

Barns / Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Two different looking barns here. Nice shots

  2. ...I like the quilt block!

  3. My wife will love the barn quilt. So do I for that matter.

  4. Great shadow shots, I like the barn quilt. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. We stood out in the driveway to take pics last night. It was spectacular!

  6. Great moon shot, when it shone in my window at midnight, I just rolled over and remembered all my attempts to take phone photos of it!

  7. It is amazing to me still that a phone can take pictures at all, let alone such a nice moon shot! Your quote made me smile -- I enjoy waking up in the morning so apparently I have created the life I want....my husband though is a different story ))). He is really not a morning person.

  8. I saw the moonrise here last night. It was quite a sight.


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