September 1, 2022

What's Your Superpower?

The September theme for City Daily Photo is 'My Superpower." I wondered what I should post for this. I used to think my superpower was patience, but as I grow older I have less time to be patient. Fortunately, I have another superpower. 

Sometimes I am invisible. Perhaps not literally, but as an ordinary-looking white woman, I often go unnoticed. 

Perhaps you looked at this picture of an automobile showroom and disn't see me. That's okay, it's an illustration, a Photoshop creation. Do you see me now?



  1. ...I had to look several times.

  2. Love it and when I wear “See through anything glasses” I can see everything 🙃🤩😂🤣

  3. Usually I search for images like this but this time I saw you right away. I amazed myself!

  4. What a great superpower to have!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. I was able to finally find your face! Good job!

  6. It took me a minute, but I did find you. But then again, it did make me think. Invisibility is a great superpower when you want to be invisible. But I've found myself invisible in other venues besides car dealerships, alas. Alana

  7. That is very cool. I didn't see you until you said you were there.

  8. The car would strengthen my ego lol


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