September 2, 2022

Near My Home, Early September

Skywatch / Black and White

These flowers are in my front yard. Zinnias and coreopsis abound. So do pollinators.

By the way, I really appreciate your comments. Blogger has improved on sorting out which comments are legitimate but it is still marking a few real comments as spam so I have to check the spam folder regularly.

Below is another version of the cloudy sky we saw in the first photo, taken slightly to the right. Great North Mountain is in the distance.


  1. These natural landscapes are beautiful.

  2. ...Blogger's improvement come in baby steps.

  3. Keep your fingers crossed that Blogger doesn't slide back again.

  4. That's a really lovely sky!
    Yes, Blogger can be difficult...

  5. Pretty flowers and sky captures. Happy weekend to you!

  6. What fun to watch how sky and mountains interact!

  7. Spectacular skies!! Love all your flowers. You are a good host to the pollinators.

  8. Great photos! Very pretty scenery and your flowers are beauties. I also liked your black and white with the big tree on the side. My comment section is getting better and no blogging friends in the spam drop for a while, then yesterday and today I had two.

  9. I'm seeing waves in the clouds in that last shot.

  10. Four very nice photographs :)
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  11. So much blooming in your garden! The landscape is beautiful. I found only yesterday tens of comments in the spam folder!

  12. Lovely capture of zinnias and coreopsis . Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.

  13. Love how the clouds are creating towers of vapor. Impressive!

  14. Terrific photographs. I don't have coreopsis blooming right now, but the zinnias are wonderful and still hanging on through our hot August.


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