September 3, 2022

Blog Post #8050: Kittens!

These two little kittens are in a local animal shelter. I made a digital art version of the first one. 

The smaller kitten one was very young and normally would still be with its mother. I don't know what misfortune happened that it wound up in the county shelter.

Caturday/ Saturday’s Critters



  1. They will melt someone's heart I am sure and find a home shortly.

  2. Love your art image, the kitty is adorable. I hope it finds a loving home. Thank your for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Such adorable kitties! We hope they will both find a loving home soon.

  4. So sad to see kitties in cages...hope they find their homes soon.

  5. it's always hard to see them in cages. they are so sweet, those green eyes, gorgeous!!

  6. Such cuties. Hope they find a forever home soon.


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