September 4, 2022

I got a new car … Well, almost new.

Technically it was used, but there were only 3,660 miles on it. It is a Toyota Cross, meaning cross-over between a sedan and SUV. In my mind, this size car is a station wagon!

My old car was a 2016 Nissan. It was a great car but it was starting to feel its age, so I budgeted for a new car when I sold the townhouse. I bought an investment condo with the proceeds and had money left over. A big chunk of it will go for taxes, and I may use part of the balance for home improvements or pet expenses. What pet?! I am planning to get a dog. 

Salesperson Corinne and Me


  1. That's as good as new. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. ...I haven't bought a new vehicle in years, my Ford Escape is 13 model years old and has 70,000 miles on it.

    1. Really? My Nissan was at 125,000 miles. Still young for a Nissan though.

  3. Congratulations on your new to you car! It looks so nice. Good luck on finding the perfect new doggo, too!

  4. I like it!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. Hello,
    Congrats, your new vehicle looks nice, a great choice. I am looking forward to seeing your new dog too. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  6. What fun...and you look so happy! Glad to hear you had a good experience of purchasing your new car! Next the dog...!

  7. It doesn't make sense to buy brand new.

  8. I like your car. It is hard to find a used one with that few miles. We, in our 49 married years, have not bought a new car. I like to find a good used one, low mileage and driven by a LOL. (My LOL is Little Old Lady, in my business law classes she was always the victim of some misfortunes.)
    Our car now has 150K miles and is a 1911 model and it soon will need to be replaced.. I have another, a Mustang GT Convertible, 1998, that I bought used in 2001 for my retirement present. It is a convertible, still in good shape. It did belong to a lady and she had put 49K miles on it. It now has 108K, I don't drive it so very much.
    Adi was a gift by our daughter, her apartment would allow dogs but after she moved in, beagles were out. So our granddog came to live with us. We became a registered Pet Therapy Team. Adi loved visiting Alzheimer wings and the residents there all loved her. She also liked children, she was also a reading dog, helping children to read better.

  9. It looks great and wishing you many happy miles behind the wheel.


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