September 5, 2022

Introducing Charlie

Lynn and I went to Charlottesville to meet Charlie. He's a rescue but has lived in a foster home for a month to learn to be a pet because he was one of the Envigo puppies. I don't know if you've heard of them but 4,000 pups were rescued from a breeding facility in Virginia, which bred dogs to be research subjects.

Mosaic Monday 

His foster mom was very concerned about whether he would be comfortable going with us. He would not come all the way up to us in her yard, and seemed very attached to her. His previous car rides did not go well because he did not like riding inside a wire crate. Lynn had brought a doggy seatbelt and he was able to ride in the backseat quite contentedly, although he vocalized for a while in a series of squeaks.


  1. Sweet photos:) I know of these dear dogs. My nephew’s fiancĂ© has fostered several, having two dogs of her own. One of the dear little things was afraid to walk on grass having been in a cage its whole life. So glad that they are all going to loving homes.

    1. Charlie was a little bit intimidated by my tall zinnia plants!

    2. That's so interesting Linda, sweet little Charlie, what a great name for him too. Anna now has another foster beagle and she is very careful screening new parents. I really admire her for doing this. She has a big heart as even her full-time work is in a field helping others.

  2. Congratulations to the new addition to your family

  3. Hello Charlie, what a cutie! I am happy to hear your adopted a rescue dog. Take care, enjoy your and the week ahead.

  4. Looks to me like he's settling right in.

  5. Charlie is truly lucky to have you befriending him.

  6. What a cutie! Good for you for giving one of the beagles a home.

  7. Hello Charlie! He looks happy. I just read a bit about the beagles this morning. Good for you for taking Charlie into your life. Cheers!

  8. So glad Charlie has found a good home!!!!

  9. We had a beagle once. Hope you survive!

  10. Linda - I had not heard about this story, and I am so relieved for Charlie (and all the other dogs) that the story had a happy ending. I also was not aware that so many animals are used for testing. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!


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