September 10, 2022

Dog with Empathic Filter

 Charlie is curious about the outdoors but he prefers to be inside. 

I used the Oilbrush app to give this an artsy look.


  1. Lovely effect on Charlie’s photo. He is a dear little dog.

  2. Love the artsy image of Charlie, he is so cute.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. That looks great.
    I bet in time Charlie will come to love the outdoors.

  4. That really is a beautiful photo and would be nice to have printed and framed!

  5. You have talent; that is a beautiful rendering of that pup.

  6. that filter really suits the dog :) Beautiful!

  7. Hello Linda, :=) The artsy look suits Charlie, he is a beautiful dog.


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