September 11, 2022

Tower of Voices

Flight 93 National Memorial

This tower has 40 chimes representing the 40 people who died on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. I did not walk over to the tower because my feet were sore. 

This picture was taken from the parking lot with a bike rack in the foreground. The tower is 93 feet tall. The park service has a page on this impressive memorial.


  1. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I would like to visit the memorial one day. We were there for the temporary one. Thank you for the link.

  2. That's a wonderful memorial, both to see and hear. Thank you for informing me.

  3. That's one of those days when we all remember when we were.

  4. Beautiful memorial. I will always remember that day, so sad. Happy Sunday, have a great new week!

  5. I also remember this day as if it were yesterday. It was lunch time in Sweden. I had CNN on, when the news broke and the family then spent the rest of the in front of the TV.

  6. Thanks for going there, and giving the link which has a clip of the sound. Very sad.

  7. We remember all those families who lost loved ones.

    All the best Jan

  8. now that's a cool shot. that's never happened to me. i always get hands, or feet?? but if i did something like this way cool!! neat-O!! ( ;


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