March 28, 2022

Some Color on a Cold Spring Day

Mosaic Monday

Flowers are blooming but winter does not want to let go. Today was cold and very windy, with flurries of snow now and then.

My first image is a bit silly. The second one honors the beleaguered and brave people of Ukraine. I saw their colors in Winchester this afternoon. 


  1. ...we had spring last week, now we are having artic days.

  2. We too are showing the colours of Ukraine on our front door.

  3. The colours of Ukraine are showing in many places now.

  4. I can't think of the name of the sock puppet sheep, but she made me smile!

  5. People here are showing the Ukrainian colours.

  6. I love your mosaic, Linda. I have a stuffed camel with a sweet smile, too. :-)

  7. Linda - lambs are such a sweet image of Spring. We are praying that the peace talks are successful. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  8. The flag of Ukraine is flying on my house.
    Hugs and greetings.


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