October 28, 2021

Assorted Views, Late October

We spent most of the afternoon in Leesburg because Frank had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Azad. He has suffered with nausea and balance deficits since last week's cochlear implant surgery. She changed his medication and will check back with him in a few days. 

I drove into the historic section of Leesburg and saw this flag outside a "Belgian beer cafe." There used to be bars but now there are beer cafes, breweries, tasting rooms, and wineries – oh, so many wineries – throughout Virginia.

I also made a quick detour down the lane that goes to Oatlands. This historic property is a rural oasis, but you can glimpse a bit of Leesburg's suburban sprawl from here. I've seen the area change drastically over the past thirty years, and it's kind of sad. You can't stop progress, but does it have to gobble up so much beautiful countryside?

Here's the drive that goes up to Oatlands. It's still beautiful.

I also stopped at a grocery store. They had my special yogurt but were out of Fiji Water. A sign explains why. Actually, most stores are still experiencing shortages on both domestic and imported products, and this has been the case since Covid hit.

Since Halloween is fast approaching, I want to show you a seasonal sign. A store in Strasburg is directing tourists to scary towns. 

Most are far away or fictitious, but Front Royal is only ten miles away. It isn't really scary; it's lovely. But there may be a little rivalry going on! 


  1. Hello,
    It is sad to lose the beautiful views. The wineries and breweries seem to be very popular everywhere. I like the cute flag. The view of the drive and tree is lovely. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

  2. ...I will never understand why water needs to be imported!

  3. I am quite sure that what you describe as "progress" is in reality exactly the opposite.

  4. In the past ten years or so Oklahoma has transformed from a beer wasteland to now we have at least a dozen breweries in town. Whiskey brewers are starting to appear. And medical marijuana is everywhere.

  5. Eso es aprovechar bien un viaje. Espero que con las nuevas medicinas todo te vaya mucho mejor.

  6. Greetings and Salutations! Agreed. Wineries, medical marijuana are popping up everywhere. I was tickled pink seeing the sign to Front Royal. Happy Halloween!


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