January 2, 2021

Geese, Squirrels, and More.

Some Canada Geese stay during the winter. There are people who feed them so that may encourage them to spend the winter. 

Some chickens escaped the neighbor's farm and wandered across the dam.

Let's check on my bird feeders! It's always nice to see a cardinal. 

But most of our seed goes to the squirrels. I have some filled with things that squirrels avoid but the other ones seem to attract squirrels. One squirrel is cute but soon their entire family shows up! 

The white geese probably were originally from a farm but they've been living on our community lake for years. 

I don't know if you can see geese in the sky in the sunset photo but I saw them when I took the picture this evening. 

Sharing with Saturday Critters


  1. Squirrels are Ok but in ones only I think. Our Greys tend to destroy bird feeders too in their determination to get free food to the detriment of small birds. Of course Greys (we call them tree rats) are not native to Britain but now outnumber the Reds by many times. A real shame that we interfere in nature in this way.here's wishing you and yours a Happy New Year from Great Britain 2021.

  2. Happy New year Linda! The geese in the first image look so peaceful. I have seen chickens and the geese around our neighborhood,they are more than free range. The sunset is beautiful, I see the geese in flight. I am always battling the squirrels, there are times I see 10 squirrels on my deck and feeders. The birds do not get a chance. Thank you For linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead! PS thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I want to be positive that 2021 will be better than 2020! Happy New Year & thanks for sharing your first birding post for the year!!
    I'm partial to birds, but those pesky (and cute) squirrels know not the difference of free food for them, OR birds. That 1st photo of the geese is wonderful...peaceful & reflections. Picture post card perfect.

  4. The Cardinal is so beautiful!
    Squirrels are very eager at the feeders here as well. I love to watch them :)

  5. ...if you need MORE geese, we can help!

  6. i'm glad the squirrels left a little seed for the birds, the cardinal is gorgeous!!

    the sunset is so pretty and yes, i can see the geese!!

  7. That is a cute squirrel photo!
    I am all for people feeding Canada Geese up north to keep them there - we already have plenty of them here in the south! (Mississippi)
    Have a blessed day!

  8. I did a double-take when looking at geese and seeing chickens! I'm happy to see any wildlife, so a squirrel is fun to see!

  9. All are lovely, I'm so pleased you shared them here.
    Have to say that is just the cutest squirrel photograph :)

    My good wishes to you and yours for 2021.

    All the best Jan


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