December 14, 2020

Yesterday in Front Royal

I heard that a new mural was being painted in Front Royal so yesterday I drove there, put on a mask and walked down Main Street. I found not one but three new murals in progress!

It seems odd to try to paint outdoors in December but this weekend was very mild. I hope they completed their work because snow is in the forecast on Wednesday. 

I'll have to go back and try to capture the completed murals. It's difficult to do them justice because they are along narrow streets so I cannot stand in the middle and get the entire work in one shot. 

The town square is decorated for the holidays. 

I also drove down Luray Avenue to the boat landing to take a look at the river.


  1. Wonderful post and always enjoy seeing the murals. I look forward to your photos when they are completed. Pretty river scenes.

  2. I see lots of birds, they will be quite pretty once finished, but it's a pity when they are painted in narrow streets and you can't photograph them properly. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Hello,
    The mural are wonderful, I love the nature and birds. The decorations look pretty. The river scene is lovely. Have a happy day and a great week ahead.

  4. Those murals are neat, I love the one with the birds!!

  5. I love murals and you were able to atch it being painted. Wonderful decorations everywhere

  6. I am always so impressed with street artists - even more so if they can't stand back and get a good look at it all!
    Lovely to see your Christmas decorations out your way.
    Wren x

  7. Good capture of murals in progress. Loved seeing you smiling above mask in your Christmas decorations collage.

  8. How exciting Linda, three new murals! It's amazing how speedy the artists are with those big endeavours.

  9. These are beautiful. You'll have to show the finished versions.

  10. I do love watching someone mural paint. It is absolutely fascinating!
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  11. Linda - I continue to be amazed by how many murals you find in your area. I love woodpeckers, so I think that would be my favorite if I had to choose. We don't have a town square per se, so it is nice to see your decorations! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!


  12. These are truly unusual and lovely murals, Linda.

  13. There’s a great blue heron, so I am already fond of that mural! Brr, the idea of painting in cold weather makes my fingers hurt!


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