December 15, 2020

The Old Summit Point School

Now a residence and rental


  1. The school that I attended in 5th grade look similar to this building. The town sold it years later and it is condos now. They must be beautiful inside with all those old wooden floors and large windows.

  2. ...what a classic school! Here are some here that are similar. Thanks Linda for sharing, take care!

  3. What do they use this building for now? It is such a classic structure - I hope it isn't torn down for some sort of strip mall!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. That is quite a building. A pretty cool place to live.

  5. Sweet memories. My high school looked like that until our junior year when they built a new one! Then it was a library. There’s a new library now and I don’t remember what happened to the building, we haven’t even been back to our home town for many years now.


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