December 16, 2020

First Snowfall of the Winter

Today was our first real snow. We had advance warning so yesterday we put up the bird feeders. I'm counting on the local bears to stay in their dens for the most of the winter instead of raiding our feeders.

The geese and ducks do not seem to mind the snow. Visitors to our feeders included juncos, Carolina wrens, and woodpeckers. 

We got about six inches of snow. It was over my hiking boots when I trudged through it to get the mail. 


  1. Hello,
    You have the same birds at your feeder that I see here, I love the cute wren. More Juncos showed up yesterday in our snow storm. The geese are cute.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  2. Great photos! I'm sure the birds are happy that the bears are settled in for their winter nap too!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Lovely snow photos, and birds all over the place. Enjoy!

  4. ...we had our first real snow overnight.

  5. Living in the UK it's interesting to hear about the bears! Wonderful pictures of your species of birds that come to your feeders.


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