December 13, 2020

A Glimpse of Summit Point

Jefferson County, WV

These photos are from a year ago. Summit Point is a small town near Charles Town, West Virginia. Here we see Summit Point Baptist Church and the community post office. 

George Washington once owned 2,000 acres in this area. 

Not far from here is Cool Spring Preserve. When we were here five years ago, the playground had not yet been built, or at least I did not see it. It is built of natural materials rather than plastic and steel.



  1. Hello,
    The church is pretty, I like the pop of red. The playground looks fun!
    Take care, have a great day and a happy week!

  2. Interesting to see the church, post office and playground. I like the fact that the playground items are made of natural materials. I also like the names of the places Summit Point and Cool Springs Preserve. They give an idea of the terrain.

  3. pouring rain here, wow ...guess we need moisture. what fun!! have a super great week. take care. ( ;

  4. Beautiful church, a utilitarian post office, and clever playground for the environmentally conscious.

  5. ...the church is known as a "steepled ell" style:

  6. Lovely church Linda and how nice that the playground is made with natural materials, don't see that too much these days ✨


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