December 12, 2020

Ready for winter.

Here Mrs. Duck is cruising along. She doesn't look concerned that winter is coming; she is an expert at handling it. 

The deer appears to be a young one, not a fawn but not fully grown yet. He'll continue to hang out with his extended family during the winter, protected from hunters by the rules of the National Park (Shenandoah).

Back in my yard, the gray squirrel puts on weight and "squirrels away" food for the winter. He does not hibernate but will venture out on all but the worst of snowy days, raiding my bird feeders.

The geese, like the ducks, don't seem to mind cold weather. I saw this one coming in for a landing at the end of the day. They are often busy at night, though. Sometimes I can hear them honking in the dark. 



  1. Loverlly photos :-)

    Best regards

  2. Linda, what a beautiful Deer, and the scenery, magnificent.

  3. Great winter scenes all the way around!! Thank you very much for stopping by IRBB to share your link to this post!

  4. Hello,
    Pretty scenes and wildlife sightings. Love the duck,deer and cute squirrel! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day! PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  5. has been slow coming this year.

  6. Great photos!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. I love to hear the geese honking. You have my favorite critters here. Great photos!

  8. Great photos! Ha, I have a few squirrels putting on weight for the winter as well. Have a great new week!

  9. i agree, the deer does appear to be "in-between" but what a beauty!!

    the honking geese can be quite loud, i live on a river and hear them frequently!! i like the last picture!!


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