October 3, 2020

Cows, Birds, and a Fish Hatchery

Here's some cows we saw yesterday in Page County.

We saw a couple of crows. The neat thing was that we could clearly hear this one flap it's wings as it flew upward toward the sky. Whoove, whoove, whoove. 

Closer to home, these Canada geese were floating along and one stretched his neck up as I focused on them.

Work has finally begun on the Fish Hatchery Project! I heard about the plans for this over two years ago. Funding comes from a portion of a settlement with Dupont Chemical for damage done to the Shenandoah River by pollution from a factory in Waynesboro over 70 years ago. Yes, the wheels of justice move slowly where environmental damage is concerned, but fish in the river are still not really safe to eat. Mercury is heavy and sunk into the silt throughout the entire floodplain, and gets released every time the water gets high. 

An objective to the hatchery restoration is to propagate smallmouth bass to stock in the Shenandoah. Sadly, most of the people who lost their livelihood when the river gots polluted are no longer around to benefit from the settlement.



  1. It's been years since I've been to a fish hatchery! Thanks so much for sharing this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a glorious week ahead!

  2. Hello,
    Great captures of the Crow, I love the geese looking up.It is sad that the restoration has taken so long. I have been to some fish hatcheries in Alaska, Washington and Oregon states, they are cool to see. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I loved the Cows and the Crows, lovely sight

  4. Crows are definitely neat - as well as geese. I'm sorry to hear that the Shenandoah still has pollution in it's bed. Yes, having a fish hatchery is a good thing.

  5. I'd like to spend a weekend a landscape like that I see in the first picture

  6. Love the cows and crows, so nice to see.

  7. I love seeing photos of cows! Great post thanks for sharing! :)

  8. I think the cows photograph is my favourite :)

    All the best Jan

  9. In the past we have taken students to a fish hatchery each spring. Didn't happen this spring and don't know about next year. *sigh*

  10. What a neat capture of the geese. That is sad about the fish hatchery taking so long and the pollution. Always enjoy your photos. Hope you have a happy new week!


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