October 2, 2020

Reflections, Skies, and More.

1. Weekend Reflections: Windows in Harrisonburg reflecting an interesting older building.

2. Black and White / Skywatch: When I tried to photograph the harvest moon tonight, branches were in my way. I decided to crop it and remove the color. 

3. I walked out to the mailbox to where I could get a shot of Mars (?) and the moon without branches or wires, but I did not carry a tripod so this is not nearly as good as some photographers produced. I left the color cast in this one  for comparison. (Someone posted that it's Mars but I have not confirmed it.)

4. Post office, New Market, Virginia. I appreciate our postal workers.

  5. Friday Bliss: It took longer than I intended to make this collage. 


  1. Beautiful moon photos & interesting reflection on the window. Happy weekend.

  2. Great the reflection photo in the shop window! beautiful moon photos, I love it and your flower mosaic!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Elke

  3. Mars and the Moon appear close together at present. I photographed the Moon earlier.

  4. Love the Friday Bliss collage!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. Hello,

    I love your collage, The moon capture is great. Wonderful window reflections. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Love that first shot with the reflections. Keep well Diane

  7. That post office, in the picture n° 4, was built in the modern style ... it's so different, compared with the buildings you showed in your previous posts

  8. ...Keep looking up Linda! Thanks for sahring.

  9. Great reflection, I love your collage, it's very creative. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I love the shot of the moon with the branches! Kind of an eerie look to it. Have a nice weekend.

  11. Your moon in the branches came out well! Lovely photos.

  12. The building reflection is great and super Harvest Moon shots. I really appreciate our postal workers too. They need to hear more from us of how much. Very pretty collage.

  13. All lovely but my favourite is the building reflection.

    All the best Jan

  14. Very nice collage, Linda, and they are such fun to create from photos that often would not work on their own. I saw the harvest moon, but do not have a long zoom camera, and made no attempts to capture it. I also wonder if you captured Mars.

  15. Beautiful Flower collage!It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/10/garden-affair-succulents-world.html

  16. la foto de la luna del número 2, ejerce una gran fascinación.


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