August 20, 2020

Photo Op: Edinburg.

Today I drove to the town of Edinburg. Here is the post office there. Someone has posted a banner saying "Heroes work here."
Down the street I noticed this office has painted windows. Do you see Snoopy?

I crossed the Massanutten Range at Edinburg Gap and headed down Fort Valley Road. I found myself behind a buggy for a while until it finally turned off into a driveway. There was a truck behind me so I didn't dare stop to get a picture of the horse. And although not all Mennonites avoid cameras, I didn't want to be intrusive.

Closer to home I spotted this (fake) street sign saying Beethovens 5th Ave.


  1. Hello,
    I am thankful for our postal workers, the post office needs to be saved. The painted windows look cute, I like Snoopy. Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. ...Linda you have a nice slice of Americana. Donny messing with the post office has to stop. VOTE BLUE!!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Postal workers are heroes and Snoopy looks great in the painted window. :)

  4. It's inspiring to post post and pictures everyday. Thank you. Enjoy the pictures so we can see the beautiful city you have. Yes we can share a good thing about our city by posting pictures! Regards from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

  5. Here in the UK our postal workers have done and still are doing well.

    Yes, I see snoopy!

    All the best Jan


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