August 21, 2020

Today in Wardensville and Capon Springs

It looks like we made it through another week! Congratulations. 

Friday Bliss and Willy Nilly Friday
Today we crossed the mountain into West Virginia so Frank could see the photo show that includes three of my landscapes. It is at the Lost River Trading Post in Wardensville.

After browsing the show and the other rooms in the store, we went to nearby Capon Springs. It is a charming old resort town that Frank loves to visit.

Capon Springs Sign

Black and White Weekend.
vertical rocksWe explored the area around the spring house and marveled at the huge rock formations. You can see that these were flat layers of rock that got tilted straight up in some ancient cataclysm.

It looks like there are some nice trails around there.
reflection trees
Weekend Reflection.
LW bridge

Since Frank did not want to cross the mountain on the gravel road, we took the main roads back to Wardensville before heading home. I took a picture of the post office there.

This bulldog statue was in front of a shop by the post office. It wasn't until I started to post this picture that I realized that the figure is a symbol of a football team, the West Virginia Bulldogs.

Footnote: I alternated between using the old Blogger interface and the new one while composing this post. The new one destroyed the formatting of my photos and I had to redo them. G-r-r-r!


  1. I enjoy this virtual tour with you. Beautiful photos from your trails.

  2. You're a talented photographer. I've enjoyed another interesting blog post about your week. Capon Springs looks like a fascinating place to visit with those spectacular ancient rocks and inviting trails nearby.

  3. That’s a wonderful, interesting excursion! you took beautiful photos!
    Have a happy weekend, Elke

  4. ...Linda, you have lots of great images today. There are lots of bulldog mascots, the University of George has a bulldog too. Thanks for stopping by, take care.

  5. Hello,

    It is great to see your photos on display! Looks like a nice outing, I love the bulldog. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  6. An interesting series of photos!
    Love the scenic photos, and congratulations on showing your landscapes.
    For me the new Blogger is very clumsy to use. I have to hunt around to find the toolbar icons I need. It takes me twice as long to create a post! What once was a joy is now a chore.
    But enough griping, Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Great to see the spring...I'm always drawn to them when we can approach them. The marvels of nature!

  8. The kind of day out that many would enjoy - especially those having been cooped up due to COVID for a while.

  9. Congratulations on having your photos included in the photo show. They look wonderful!

  10. You had me at nice trails. Looks like a good place to visit.
    Old blogger is messing me up with location. It keeps putting me on the east coast of Australia. If I don't change it it really messes up the timing of the post. New blogger is okay but doesn't give me the control I like. Switching between them messes up location again. Drives me crazy.

  11. How great that your lanscapes are on the art show! Beautiful photos. I'm so late in commenting, as I am exhausted due to clearing & renovating my home. This is going to last for a few weeks! Hopefully I'll survive.

  12. So many wonderful place to explore in your part of the country.

  13. So many good pictures here :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Fascinating post! I've tried the new Blogger - don't like it. It's good at messing up. :(


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