August 19, 2020

Trail Cam Birds

So far I haven't seen many birds this week, so I'm posting some trail camera photos. I have a camera strapped to a tree facing the lake and another one near the driveway. (I got a great deal on them a couple years ago.)

I cropped all these images and brightened some of them. Trail cameras do not compose, they just go off when they detect movement.

The first bird may be a heron. I've seen one in that spot before. The second one could be a heron also, or some other bird with very long wings.

The flying bird in the third photo may be a vulture.

The final photo is from the other camera. Can you see the cardinal in the upper left? He did not look intimidated by the cat on the right.


  1. Hello,

    Great cam captures. I love the heron and vulture. Cute kitty capture! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. The cat's more than welcome to me!

  3. Pretty views and fun to see the birds and cat picked up by your trail cam.

  4. That is so awesome to have such variety right at the house! Thanks for sharing these shots, what loveliness they captured.

    Your link is a wonderful addition to 'My Corner of the World'!! Thanks for being here this week.


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