July 2, 2020

New Signs in Stephens City and Winchester

AMVETS has a new office in Stephens City. I noticed the grieving soldier silhouette and stopped to take a picture. I've seen this figure before, in Stanardsville.

AMVETS provides services to veterans. This location is about to have their official opening.

Next to them on Green Street is a store selling CBD products. These are free of THC and are used for calming and pain relief for both people and pets.

I drove to Winchester today for a podiatry appointment, my first since the lockdown. I've learned to slow down when I pass this animal hospital to read the sign because sometimes it's humorous.

When I turned around I noticed that they are greeting customers in the parking lot. Other veterinarians are doing this also, as a way of avoiding exposure to the coronavirus. A staff member comes out and fetches your pet in from your car so you don't have to come inside. "Sit, Stay!"

My podiatrist's office has a park and call procedure now also. A nurse came out and checked my temperature and saw that I had a mask before I went inside. Normally I go to their Front Royal office but it is being remodeled.

I miss the old days when we didn't need to worry about a pandemic, but I appreciate all the efforts being made to keep from spreading the virus. So far my state has slowed the spread but many have not, with tragic results.


  1. ...Linda, you have an interesting group. We all need to remember not to have a hissy fit!!!

  2. Hello,

    I miss the good old days too. I am glad these places are all taking the necessary safety precautions. Take care, Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The role model for the hissy fit occupies the White House and provides daily tutorials. Better not let those cats watch TV!

  5. Funny sign at the animal hospital. I'm glad people are taking necessary precautions too.

  6. Yes … times certainly are different, but precautions are important.

    All the best Jan

  7. I like that animal hospital sign.


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