June 12, 2020

It's Late Spring and It's Been a Tough Season.

1. This year will be remember for the COVID-19 (Coronavirus 2019) pandemic. The first lockdowns in the United States began in mid-March.  Here in Virginia, we spent the end of March and the months of April and May in semi-isolation, with public places closed except for "essential businesses." Some restrictions were lifted on June 10. The governor's directive includes rules for adults to wear face coverings inside stores and public buildings. Some people are resisting, partly because masks are not very comfortable and partly because national leaders have been inconsistent in delivering the message. Also, in my opinion, some folks are just plain selfish!

2. Today I saw my daughter Lynn for the first time since late March. We considered meeting for a picnic but decided to check out Cracker Barrel. They were carefully ensuring social distancing and sanitation. We did not sit directly across from each other at the table. It was good to see her again! 

3. Sadly, there is no way to look back on Spring 2020 without talking about the disaster that is racism. I did not take this picture but clipped it from a protest photo. The combination of systemic racism and police brutality has thrown some cities into disorder. Locally, the protests have been peaceful.

Over the years I've studied the American Civil War and the sad history of slavery. Reconstruction did not go smoothly, and apparently we are still not done with reforming our society. I cry when I read the news.

4. Skywatch Friday. I snapped this with my cell phone.

5. Floral Friday, Friday Bliss. The beauty of nature has helped us deal with life under lockdown. This part of spring did not disappoint, and took on a fresh importance when the usual forms of entertainment were shut down. I planted these lilies a few years ago and they just started blooming.

6. Weekend Reflection: A clear day on the Shenandoah River provided this view near the Front Royal Country Club.

Stay safe, stay healthy!


  1. ...the sooner y'all cooperates, the sooner we can get out of here, sure sums this Trump mess up! I can't wait for November, thanks Linda for these wonderful words,

  2. Isn't it strange that riots and the Black Lives Matter movement happened as we shuddered and began to move away from total quarantine from Covid-19? And of course many unemployed people were already angry but not sick and dying like others were. Yes, a lot of fear running people's lives. Very sad days. Glad you got to have a lunch with your daughter at least. And I like that pink toned lily!

  3. Beautiful pictures and cogent writing on the awful problems now facing our divided country!

  4. Lovely skies and how nice to see your daughter again.

  5. Very glad you could see your daughter again. Strange and disturbing times, but your photos remind us of the beauty all around.

  6. I'm glad you got to visit with your daughter. Your shots of the clouds, lilies, and river are all beautiful.


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