May 18, 2020

New Murals at the New Star.

If you are a photographer, you probably know the experience of glimpsing something as you drive by and knowing you simply must go back and get a picture. This happened when I passed the New Star Market last month. I've stopped there before to take pictures of their decorated patio. Now they have some bright new murals. 

An employee told me the artist was working on another mural at the end of the building. I found her cleaning up for the day.

I came back on a later date to see the finished mural. It looks stunning! There's a rock cliff, some climbers, and the river in the distance.

If you drive out 55 between the interstate and Star Tannery, you'll want to take a look at this gas station/market/BBQ.

The artist is Sarah Gallahan, who also painted the anniversary mural on a hardware store in Winchester.
Monday Murals, Mosaic Monday, Blue Monday.
 The owner of the New Star Market said he was inspired to add a new garden.  


  1. Wow - this Sarah is incredibly talented. To make flat surfaces look like they have so much depth. I kept looking the first mural to convince myself that the rocks in the front of the mural are not really rocks, but just painted on a flat wall. Amazing! Thanks for bringing these masterpieces to Mosaic Monday!

  2. We had a mural painted on the end of my work building (back in the pre c19 days!) it was fascinating to watch it being painted.

    Hope you are staying well.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. ...Linda, you found gold among a rainbow of colors!

  4. Fabulous find Linda, the artist is very talented indeed! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  5. Hello, the murals are beautiful. Nice market place! Take care and have a great day!

  6. This is stunning, Linda. So glad you also got a glimpse at the artist who is extremely talented. I love how the mural fits in nicely with its surroundings, too. It's a beauty.

  7. what fun. i love it. we see similar murals on our travels ... very creative. ( ;

  8. It's always fun to see how the artist manages to create such a large work!

    be well...mae at

  9. That is one great talent!

    Regards, Teresa

  10. These murals are always a cheering sight.

  11. Those murals certainly are eye-catching.

  12. Fabulous blues in those paintings! Thanks!

  13. I do love when businesses allow murals to be painted on their sides or back.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade


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