February 1, 2020

Main Street Woodstock

If you've driven along the old Valley Pike (U.S. 11) through Shenandoah County, you've probably seen buildings neatly lining the road through historic towns like Woodstock.  Chartered in 1761, it is the county seat.

Theme: Streetscape. Weekend Reflection: the Historic Courthouse.


  1. Our town is sort of like that also. I like the dog and log structure in last photo!

  2. ...I've driven for miles on US Route 11, but not in Virginia.

  3. I'd rather go to the gallery than the tattoo parlor.

  4. Great shots and I agree with William!!!

    All the best Jan

  5. Nice reflections in a nice looking town.

  6. Urocze miejsce. Tylko na filmach czasami takie widzę! Dzięki!


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