January 2, 2020

Don't Climb on the Bike.

Front Royal, VA: This sculpture of a bicycle can be viewed from the paved path that runs from Skyline High School to Eastham Park. A plaque tells us that John Urbanski is the artist.

I parked next to the school to walk on the path, taking advantage of the fact that school was out for vacation so plenty of parking was available. 
Previous Post (2016): A Walk Near Skyline High School.

I stopped by the car wash in order to put a few items in the Blessing Box. A notice is taped to the side of the box titled "Thermal Shelter." It makes sense that homeless people might find the sign on a box that provides free food.

Thermal Shelter provides spaces for homeless people to spend cold winter nights at various churches in Front Royal. The locations rotate but a pickup point (316 North Royal) stays the same.

Sharing with Signs, Signs.


  1. ...I've started to see Blessing Boxes in this are, just wait until Donny cuts food stamps!

  2. I love the blessing box idea ♥️

  3. I can see why youngsters might be tempted to climb up on that bike. The Blessing Box is such a wonderful idea.

  4. Of course a sculpture would need a sign like that.


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