October 20, 2019

On the Outskirts of Winchester

I like to share some church architecture on Sundays. This is the Winchester Grace Brethren Church, built in 2001.

Another type of building that appeals to me is the barn. Just about each one is different. This one is on Redbud Road, also near Winchester.

The barn is next door to the Wilkins Winchester Battlefields Visitor Center.  Another barn-type building is nearby.

Somehow I neglected to take a picture of the Visitor Center. It is in a refurbished farm house and can be glimpsed in the lower left corner of the sign below.


  1. ...Linda, I saw several barns like this one last year when I was in Virginia with the overhang, something that I rarely see here. Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your week.

  2. Great looking barn...not sure of the church.

  3. Interesting church, and red barns really are the best (photography-wise)
    Have a great week!

  4. The church is rather unique, I've never seen one like that. Nice barn, it looks great.
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. The church is a little different …

    All the best Jan

  6. That is an interesting looking church.


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