August 3, 2019

American Robins, Virginia Deer.

Sometimes when I spot birds in the yard, I slip out the door to get a closer look. I took these pictures from our deck using a zoom lens.

The bird with a spotted breast is a juvenile robin.  I believe the adult robin was feeding him. Look, a nice worm!

Another robin was perched in a nearby tree.

I'd Rather Be Birdin' and Saturday's Critters.
Yesterday I made a brief visit to Shenandoah National Park. (I have a pass and it's really close by.) I only went as far as Dickey Ridge Picnic Area. 

It's not unusual to see deer at Dickey Ridge. I saw two as I drove into the picnic area. I got out of the car quietly, without closing the door. They let me get within 20 feet or so before they moved off.

You're not allowed to feed the animals but they probably know that picnickers have food. They seemed curious but careful.

Beautiful animals, aren't they?


  1. American Robins are pretty but 'our' European robin is the one that always comes to mind at Christmas. Have a good day, Diane

  2. Hello, wonderful captures of the Robins. I love the deer too. Cute photos. Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, wishing you a great new week! PS, thanks for the visit and comment on my blog.

  3. Yes! Deer ARE beautiful. And your robin photos are as well.

    We all, at I'd Rather B Birdin', appreciate you sharing with us. Thanks!

  4. The deer are so beautiful and fun to photograph! Happy weekend!

  5. Thanks again for capturing wildlife and sharing here!

  6. Very nice photos of the robin and deer.

  7. What gorgeous deer photos, they are nice to see.

  8. Wonderful photographs of both the Robins and Deer.

    All the best Jan

  9. The deer are’s great you have that wonderful park more or less right in your own backyard! But those Robins you captured in your actual yard are wonderful... especially the feeding one (that’s a big baby!).

  10. The deer certainly are pleasing to see.


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