August 2, 2019

Updates and Mountain Views

1. We finally sold our property in Bryce Resort, although not without regrets. We picked up the check yesterday. 

When we were up there checking on the house to make sure it was ready for the walk-through, I noticed some Indian Pipes growing behind the garage. Sometimes called the ghost plant, this wildflower does not contain chlorophyll.

2. I even found some echinacea and coreopsis that I planted long ago. The petunia is a recent addition, part of two pots of flowers that we put on the front deck to make it look cheerful.

Friday Bliss and Friday Flowers.
3. The rest of this post has scenes from Blue Ridge Mountains, which define the east side of the Shenandoah Valley. (Bryce Resort is in the foothills of Great North Mountain on the west side of the Valley.) The black and white photo shows a tourist taking a picture at an overlook.

4. Here's a planned shot for Weekend Reflections. Can you tell what it is?

Yes, I was at a water fountain. I stood behind the spout and shot my reflection. I like the illusion that my arms are resting on the brand label.

5. Today I went to the doctor for an ear ache. It started out as sinus congestion on Monday, turned into a sore throat and then settled in my right ear. The doctor said my ear looked "angry" and prescribed antibiotics. Before going to pick up the medicine, I took a lunch up to Skyline Drive and relaxed a little. The girl looking at the view is at the first overlook near Front Royal.

Skywatch Friday.
6. And for the finale, a quote that I liked. "The path becomes clearer as you continue to go on." 


  1. Indian pipe - so interesting! I had to google for I did not know this plant before. It is somehow sad to give up a house or garden that you have taken care for many years. But we sometimes have to take new paths! Many greetings & thank you for linking at Friday Bliss.

  2. Beautiful post, beautiful capture for b&w.

  3. ...of these all, my favorite is the Indian Pipes. They are something that I rarely see. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy!

  4. Interesting photos especially the Indian Pipe. Take care Diane

  5. I had no idea what the reflection photo was. It turned out really good - very interesting!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Terrific shots. Hopefully the antibiotics do the trick quickly.

  7. An interesting series of
    photos. The Indian Pipe plant is new to me and fascinating. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. Lovely post, as usual. I'm sure you're sad to be leaving that property.

  9. Lovely photographs.
    I hope your ear feels a lot better after the course of antibiotics.

    All the best Jan

  10. I hope that you get better soon. Interesting, a plant that has no chlorophyl

  11. Willy Nilly, aka, Linda, I like your reflection. Neat!! I like the quote also. We had looked up your condo, the view was great. I would love to go skiing down your hill.
    I woke up about a month ago with a hurting hip. The pain came suddenly but didn't go away, diagnosis was osteoarthritis. I had an Xray guided injection and am having therapy now. It can't be fixed but could be replaced. I hope your throat and ear can be fixed.

  12. I hope you are feeling better by now. (Sorry I am late in commenting.)


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