April 6, 2018

Willy Nilly Friday Moves to the Backroads

The host for Willy Nilly Friday has changed to Backroads Traveler. Thank you, Tom, and also a big thanks to Tanya for hosting for so long.

1. I'm starting with an old Black and White photo. It's a self-portrait I printed in a photography class at NVCC in Alexandria. I combined two negatives. Yes, we were faking images long before digital imaging came along!

I realize I looked lonely. Photography was a way of expressing feelings for me.

2. Jumping back to the present time, this is a flowering tree in my yard. I think it may be a weeping cherry, perhaps a Yoshino cherry tree

Floral Friday

3. I can't find comfortable shoes so I dyed my old clunky shoes. They were cream-colored and hopelessly scuffed. I had to brush on the dye three times to get a solid coating.

4. Over at Cedar Creek Battlefield, new interpretative signs are being installed this week. This one is next to the 128th New York Volunteer Regiment Monument. The battle took place on October 19th, 1864. 
Bearing the Brunt
On October 15, 1907, veterans of the 128th New York Regiment met on the Cedar Creek battlefield to dedicate the monument to their unit. These men, along with the rest of the 19th Corps, had borne the brunt of the Confederate attack against their position, around 6:00 am. In the fog and smoke they could see little, only the flash of rifles and sounds of battle told them where the enemy was. Their trenches, facing towards Cedar Creek, were of little use as the Confederates attacked from the left and the rear. Within an hour these Union troops were pushed out of their positions and began a fighting withdrawal towards Belle Grove.
Sharing with Signs, Signs and Weekend Greens (Final).

5. For the final of these miscellaneous pictures, here's a cell phone picture of the old Woodstock Court House. You can see a statue of Peter Muhlenberg silhouetted in front of the building. He was a local hero of the American Revolution.


  1. ...Linda, a great mix of images. Strangely. the one that hits home is your shoes is your shoes. I also have a hard time finding comfortable shoes to fit my triple E feet. The128th New York Regiment, the Old Steady, was a volunteer regiment from Dutchess County and Columbia County in upstate New York. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Nice set of images. I always taught when I here people talk about photos being 'less-real' today - they have always be manipulated.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Only the lonely...... Love those blossoms, it is 15 here

  4. The courthouse is quite impressive by night.

    Every once in awhile those interpretive signs do need to be replaced.

  5. That's a fine self-portrait. You look a little sad.

  6. The B+W self portrait is haunting. Good job.

  7. Enjoyed these Linda. Thank you, enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  8. Just love the blossoms.

    All the best Jan

  9. Hi Linda-
    Doing what it takes to make those shoes comfortable is brilliant.
    Love your photos, including the first one.
    Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  10. Lovely photos of the cherry blossoms! I have the same problem finding comfy shoes. I usually just wear hiking shoes now.

  11. My favorite pair of black boots are looking the worse for wear .. maybe I'll take a page from your book ...


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