October 1, 2017

It's October First!

 City Daily Photo challenges members to with a theme to post on the first of the month. October's theme is one of those words that can draw viewers or perhaps get you in trouble with robotic watchdogs.

There are several definitions of the word and I'm going with this one: "Of or relating to the senses or physical sensation." I selected this image because the deer looks so soft with its rich, shiny coat. It is also appealing to the eyes.  

This deer was standing beside Skyline Drive on Dickey Ridge.


  1. I think that definition means we can stick to the theme and still not get in trouble with internet censors. I like your deer and agree it's fine for the theme. I also chose something in the natural world.

  2. ...and the deer is eyeing those delicious Rhododendron leaves.

  3. Hello, pretty capture of the deer! Happy October!
    Happy Monday, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  4. i love seeing deer, wild and free. this is a beautiful image, they look better in their winter clothes and colors!!!

  5. Que maravilha ver de perto essa coisa linda!

  6. Yes, I can almost feel the velvet on that sweet deer. So soft looking. (I think a few people confused the definition of sensual with sexy based on some of the pictures I've happened upon today... I would have picked something like you did that is elegant to the senses of touch and sight.


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