September 30, 2017

Hooray for Home!

When we flew back from California, we arrived early enough that we could pick up Flash that same day. In the kennel he seemed unenthusiastic about seeing us, and I thought perhaps he was sad at leaving his friends. (Some of the young women there fuss over him.)

On the way home, I looked over the seat to see how he was doing and he had definitely perked up.

 It's been a while since I posted a squirrel picture so here are two shots of a squirrel on a big pine tree. His color is pretty good camouflage.

After he saw me, he went into his hole in the tree, but he kept looking out at me. No doubt he was hoping I would leave! Eventually I did, of course, and I suppose he went back out to gather some nuts.


  1. Hello, I am sure Flash is happy you are home. He is so cute. Love the squirrel looking out of the hole. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  2. Nice to know that Flash was well in the kennel, isn't it?
    Cute squirrel photos!

  3. Flash is adorable! So are the squirrel photos. Always good to get home after time away.

  4. Glad you got safely home. Enjoyed your pix from California.

  5. Great photo of Flash!
    Cute squirrel!

  6. Looks like Flash likes it at the kennel maybe a bit, they probably spoil him.

  7. It's good to see Flash. I can see why the women fuss over him, he's a cutie and now he has to get you guys back in line.:)
    I like the squirrel sticking his head out of the hole in the tree. Very nice Linda.

  8. Someone looks happy to see his people!

  9. Flash looks happy. How cute to see the squirrel peeking out of the hold!

  10. Flash was just letting you know that he was a bit put out at you for leaving him -- but it obviously didn't take long for him to get over that!!! Glad you got home from your trip safely.


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