October 14, 2017

Black Cat, Monochrome

Near Tarentum, PA
Sharing with Caturday, B&W Weekend, and Saturday Critters


  1. That could be a picture of the cat I had as kid! What a splendid picture!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Hello, what a pretty cat. Love the photo! I appreciate your joining in with my 200th Critter party. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  3. What a look you're getting! Great photo - I love black cats ;)

  4. Beautiful! I've always had a fondness for black cats. One of ours was a black kitty named Misty, such a gentle soul.

  5. Just love this photograph.

    All the best Jan


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