October 13, 2017

A Pennsylvania Porch

1. We drove to Pennsylvania on Monday to visit Frank's brother and his wife, who happens to share my first name. Yes, it gets confusing!
Frank, Linda, Bill
2. The porch is a delightful place to sit on a nice day.

3. The cat was telling me something but I don't understand the language.

4. As you can see by the leaves in the reflection, autumn is near.

5. The final image just shows a bit of country decor.


  1. Hello, looks like a nice porch. I like the kitty, duck statues and the pretty reflections. Happy weekend to you!

  2. The cat, of course, is my favourite. What a divine superior life form.

  3. what a nice place and people. :) And a fine reflection :)

  4. I just arrived into Miami and waiting for my room. Miss swimming in the Carribean already.

  5. Nice shots! That cat sure is cute. :-)

  6. A nice collection for us to see, thanks.

    All the best Jan

  7. Love the Autumn reflection in the door...beautiful. What a nice visit . Same names seem to be part of our family as well. We have a son and son-in-law with the same name (spelled differently, but that doesn't help when speaking about either of them... all good things about both, but can get confusing!)

  8. A cozy place for resting and the speaking cat is so funny. I so often cannot understand, what my cat means...
    Have a nice new week, sorry, that I'm so late (dealing with some health issues)


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