June 12, 2013

Eight Years of Blogging!

Wow, today marks my eight-year blogiversary! Thank you, Julie of City Daily Photo for noticing and reminding me!

 My first post was June 13, 2005. Since then I have posted 3,891 times!


  1. wow! congratulations! that's a long time!

  2. Linda, congratulations on making it eight years. Appreciating what daily blogging cycles require from a writer, I am inspired by your work. You offer unique perspectives and views which make your blog a refreshing daily read. Thanks for this and your support for HMDB. - Craig.

  3. Happy Anniversary, that's a lot of commitment!

  4. Congrats to you. You are way ahead of me it seems. Sure hope you blog for another 8 or 80 years.

  5. Whooo Hoooo.... that is great. I can't remember when I first started blogging but had a different blog before I started the one I have now.

  6. Muitos parabéns e que continue por muitos anos....

  7. Congratulations on eight years of blogging. I look forward to at least eight more years of posts.

  8. Incredible! Congratulations on eight years of wonderful images!

  9. 8 years! Wow, that's great!


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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