June 12, 2013

A Skyline Drive Overlook

I've always enjoyed Skyline Drive! It runs along the crest of the Blue Ridge in Shenandoah National Park from Front Royal to Rockfish Gap where it connects to the also-beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway.

There are plenty of overlooks where you can pull off and take in the view.

Sometimes I miss the old CCC-built stone walls. They had a romantic naturalness to them, but for safety reasons they have been replaced with stronger walls made of concrete covered in a stone veneer.


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  1. We love the Skyline Drive as well. Of course, a person (at least a photographer) can never be in a hurry when traveling that route.

  2. These are beautiful, Linda. What an amazing place.

  3. WHat fabulous views!

  4. A beautiful reminder of our recent trip. We loved the day spent on the Skyline Drive, and got pix from numerous overlooks. Low cloud moved in and out, alternating with blue sky right in front of us.

  5. I know if I would stand on that wall... I would fall off. I am such a klutz.

  6. Wow, just a brief moment here would restore me for the rest of the week! Gorgeous.

  7. The beauty of those mountains and valleys is so breathtaking. I do miss it a lot. Love to see the photos you always post.

  8. Amazing views! Takes your breath away to see them in person.


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