July 1, 2016

Not Quite Willy Nilly Five

Tanya of Roanoke is on vacation but I'm still using her Willy Nilly Friday format because I have 5 pictures to get rid of; I mean, to share. 

1. Over at PhotoFriday, today's theme is "Contrast." That's one of the things that contributes to a successful black and white image, along with tonal range and strong composition, at least in my opinion. 
Looking Down from Playground Equipment
2. Travelers on Interstate 81 may think of Toms Brook as an exit with two truck stops, but there is actually a quaint town of Toms Brook a few miles away on US 11. I stopped there today to donate some cleaning supplies destined for West Virginia. Volunteers are collecting items at the fire department.

Towns throughout southern West Virginia have been devastated by recent flash floods. Monetary donations are also needed. One organization that is collecting donations over the internet is Aurora Lights.
Skywatch Friday
3. Just south of Toms Brook is the Shenandoah County Park. I stopped there to do the half hour of walking that my doctor prescribed. I saw this fearsome sign.
Signs, Signs
Just kidding; disc golf is not scary! It involves a Frisbee and a trail of basket-style targets. 

4. Since I was collecting "Looking down" images for City Daily Photo (see previous post), I halted my walk long enough to take this picture. Can you tell what it is? 

5. I've been participating in a stress reduction program at a yoga center in Strasburg.  We did an exercise in directed art this week. I decided to try oil pastels, and frankly my picture looked a bit washed out. However, my preferred medium is Photoshop, and a couple of filters later gave me an image I can live with.

Orange You Glad It's Friday


  1. Wonderful lines in your black and white photo. I completely agree with you about black and white photography - contrast is so important.

  2. Interesting mix Linda, happy 4th.

  3. It looks like what was a baseball. That's the first I've heard of disc golf.

  4. My sons like to play the disc golf. They call it frisbee golf or frolf up here. Neat contrasts in the first shot. I like your colorful art work too.

  5. Knocked that ball so hard it came out of its cover

  6. love the different kind if images in your post. Well. a disc can be scary if it comes right at you :)

  7. Those Frisbee golf dudes are a lot more mellow than the ultimate Frisbee guys and the discs are a perfect size. Don't let your lab around the course, haha.


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