July 2, 2016

Shenandoah Sepia Critters

For a long time I wanted to get a clear photo of a cute chipmunk. They are not as bold as squirrels and usually they scamper away as soon as I spot them. Fortunately, this guy held still for a minute.

I've also had difficulty getting a clear picture of a wild turkey. I finally got a clear shot in Shenandoah National Park.

I can't help but wonder, "Why did the turkey cross the road?"

And why did the deer cross the road? 

I go up to Shenandoah National Park fairly often, and see deer about half the time. This one was standing behind recycling bins at Dickey Ridge.


  1. That's exactly what I first thought, why is that chicken, in this case turkey, crossing the road :) Nice images Linda!

  2. Cute little chipmunk picture!
    Good also other animal images.
    I hope you will not drive a car, do not get run over.
    Be wary animals.

  3. Hello, The little chippie is cute. Nice sightings of the deer and turkey. Great critter post and photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

  4. Great photo of a very frisky critter. I had to take a shot through the RV window from 30 feet away to get a shot of our little raider.

  5. Great photo of a very frisky critter. I had to take a shot through the RV window from 30 feet away to get a shot of our little raider.

  6. Some animals can be so skittish. When I see chipmunks here, they're always on the move.

  7. Your post made me smile today. :) I've tried to get a picture of a chipmunk too, but have never been successful. They hide too quickly.

  8. Love that chipmunk!


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