Your Fee Dollars at Work
A new sign for this site is on its way!
I can't help wondering why they didn't just leave up the old sign until the new one was ready to be installed.
At least the overlook signs are still in place. Frank is sitting next to one for
The Massanutten, which is the mountain range across the valley. It also happens to be the range we can see from our house. (If you want to read the sign, you can
find it on Historic Marker Database.) This sign says the origin of the name is not known, but local lore says that Massanutten was a Native American word meaning bread basket, referring to the basket-shaped valley within the mountains.

If you've gone hiking in Shenandoah National Park, you've seen concrete trail markers. A metal band around the post gives information about the trails.
AT symbol indicates Appalachian Trail. It runs the length of the park and then continues on both northward (to Maine) and south (to Georgia). I've hiked on parts of the trail on many occasions.
I was curious about this note pinned under a rock at an overlook. It says that a cell phone was found here and taken to the entrance station.