March 14, 2025

On the Passing of Bill Schell

Bill Schell died on on March 7, 2025. He was a close friend of my sister for many years.

In his later years, Bill lost vision in one eye following a series of medical problems and deficiencies in the healthcare system in Kentucky, where he lived. Yet he retained a positive attitude. It is hard to believe that he is gone because he was full of life.


  1. Thank you for introducing us to Bill. He sounded like a very dear man. Gone but not forgotten, a lovely tribute.

  2. Very good for him who had a positive attitude towards life!!
    Be strong Linda and remember him (a phrase we say in Greece for such cases).

  3. Good that you kept a memory of him

  4. ...each day I'm glad that I don't live in Kenfucky.

  5. So sorry for your loss! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Such a lovely face! Never gone while people remember.

  7. Sending condolences (whatever that means)...but I mean thoughts and prayers for your and your sister's loss of such a wonderful man. May you know peace as you remember his life.


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