March 20, 2025

It’s Vernal Equinox Day

...Better known as the first day of Spring!

Flowers are definitely starting to bloom. The first scene is in Winchester and the rest are near Front Royal.

That sky deserves another picture.

The view is from Bennett’s Chapel.

I didn’t take a picture of the church this time because the parking lot was full. I’ve posted pictures of it before. As you can see, I took them from almost the same spot in the parking area.


  1. Beautiful captures of the onset of spring!

  2. Wonderful photos from the first day of spring (I love this time of year)!!
    I really like this church!
    Good day Linda!

  3. So beautiful flowers, Great clicks

  4. Having had great weather for a few days the Vernal Equinox delivered a little snow mixed in with rain and generally windy conditions. A not so subtle reminder that spring is not quite here where I live.

  5. Nice variety of photos. I love the blooms and sky.
    It is feeling like winter here, after we just had a few warmer days. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Lovely and Happy Spring Linda :)

  7. Oh, to see that blooming magnolia. Enjoy your spring! Loved the views. Here, we have crocus and snowdrops, but the daffodils are coming up. Thanks for the coming attractions. Alana


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