March 19, 2025

Canada Called, They Want their Geese Back.

Just kidding! They have enough geese already. Canada geese are everywhere in North America, at least there are an awful lot of them in Virginia. They can be a nuisance.

I saw a few today on my way home.

Here is an older snapshot of a Canada goose. 

I located that image pretty quickly by searching the pictures on my iPad. I’ve discovered that I can open the Photos app and search by typing in a subject. It even works for a color!

Note that this is not foolproof. It brought up pictures of ducks as well as geese.

That little heart on the corner of many pictures is something I use to show that I’ve already shared the photo on this blog or elsewhere.

By the way, I apologize to my friends in Canada for the insulting things that certain politicians here have said.


  1. That's interesting Linda, my next post that comes out at midnight is of Canada Geese that we saw today (19th). That's interesting about the search app. I'll have to try that.

  2. The geese are beautiful, Denise has a photo too!! How kind of you to apologize on behalf of others. Very clever with the little heart so you know which ones you have posted and I'm confused, I need to implement something like that, thank you very much!!
    Have a nice day Linda!!

  3. We are going to leave our CANADA Geese 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

  4. with you, Linda, to add a little sanity to your life!

  5. We see plenty of geese here too.
    Love the photos. Take care, have a great day!

  6. Great photos of the Canadian Geese. Surprised the orange man didn't round them up to transport back across the border. :)


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