February 1, 2025

Theme Day: Motors

When I saw that the City Daily Photo theme for February was "Motors," I groaned. That isn’t something that I normally photograph because it doesn’t particularly interest me. While I do have pictures of antique mechanical devices that could be called engines,  I don’t think of them as motors.

So what is the difference? Both motors and engines are devices designed to convert one or more forms of energy into mechanical energy. [Wikipedia] The word engine has been around for centuries, but the word motor was devised to describe the internal combustion engine to differentiate it from the steam engine.

I went out this afternoon to a Ford dealership to get a picture of something with an internal combustion engine. I saw hundreds of trucks for sale, mostly white ones. I understand the need for trucks in this largely rural county, but I don’t know why so many of them are white.

They had a few cars too, as did the dealership next door. 


  1. Good on you for stretching your subjects! White trucks are strange, as so many of the SUV's I see are black. Glad you found a regular car to photograph also! (and it might just be black)

  2. ...white trucks are easily lettered or repainted another color. When I was in business, my trucks were white. A dirty white truck looks cleaner than a black!

  3. Great post, Awesome pics, Cars looks stunning.

  4. The photo with the white trucks and the American flag behind is very well framed, I love it! You know every child's dream when I was little was to go to America one day, although I notice it has changed now and half of them dream of America and the other half of Japan!!
    Happy Sunday!


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