January 31, 2025

Sky with Broken Panes

These windows are on a commercial building that’s been empty for many months. It isn’t abandoned, but it is up for rent. 
Black and White / Weekend Reflections


  1. I think pictures like this look so good in black and white. I like the imperfect reflections.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Hmm... I wouldn't rent in that condition! Great broken reflections though.

  3. Hopefully a few birds find shelter from cold winter nights.

  4. Great sky reflection photo!
    Have a happy weekend.

  5. ...interesting, but not a good sign.

  6. Too bad this old building has broken windows. Good reflections however.

  7. Reflections are one of my favorite things to see in photos. It's lovely. I think the broken windows add to the scene.

  8. A beautiful capture of neglected windows.

  9. The shapes, reflections and even the broken windows work together to make a great black and white photo!

  10. the poetry of abandoned things. I really like this image


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