February 16, 2025

Blog Post #9000

Nine thousand is a huge number of blog posts. I’ve been blogging for over 19 years, almost every day.  With any luck, I’ll make it to 20 years. Perhaps at that point I’ll cut back and skip a day here and there. 

Today I looked back at earlier anniversary posts. Post #1000 happened on Lynn‘s birthday so I shared two pictures of her. 

In order to save space, I’m combining some of the photos into collages. I used the web version of Photocollage for this. 

I didn’t find a post labeled 2000, but this picture of me is from a post that was close to that. 

Post #3000 showed my childhood home and a chalet that was home many years later. “I’ve always lived in Virginia,” I wrote.

I created a computer image with a squirrel as a background because the title of this blog is “The View from Squirrel Ridge.”  I gave it the title when we were living in the chalet on a ridge in Basye. 

A photo of me at Breaks Interstate Park appeared in #4000.

Post #5000 has pictures of me, my sister Peggy, and younger daughter Marie.

I didn’t find a post labeled number 6000 but one close to it had pictures of a visit to Shenandoah National Park. 

Post #7000 had one picture and I used a special effect that looks weird to me now. I think I was getting tired of showing my face, but anniversaries are a good time to re-introduce myself in some way. This is a screen print of the first part of the post.

Post #8000 featured a visit to a goat farm in West Virginia.

Sharing with Mosaic Monday

These posts covered some of my most frequent topics: Shenandoah, Family, and Animals. Somewhat in contrast to those, the post that gets the most hits is my 2014 one about the three towering crosses near the interstate. I think that people who drive on I-81 are often curious about their striking appearance. They are maintained by Restoration Fellowship Church.

If you have read this far, thank you! Many of my readers are fellow bloggers, and I apologize that I am not as punctual on commenting as I would like to be. If you have any tips on how to comment efficiently yet meaningfully, let me know. 


  1. I enjoyed all your photos. The collages are very nice. I like the shapes you have chosen. Lynn was a cute little baby and nice to see her as a young adult. Always nice to see you and the other members of your family, and all the other pretty photos you have taken.

  2. Hello,
    Love this post and look back at your blog photos.
    It is nice to see the photos of you and your family.
    Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week ahead.

  3. Never having paid attention to milestones - of any kind really - I would have to check to see when I started and how many posts I have made. I doubt that I will do that! Congratulations on your own impressive record.

  4. ...like David, I just keep chugging along.

  5. I seldom look at the stats that blogger keeps of things. But I do think I've read several thousand of your posts! Glad you're doing this.

  6. What lovely rememberings, dear Blogfriend Linda. I enjoyed reading. And I understood very well this view back. It's sometimes a nice thing.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at MosaicMonday. It's always a pleasure to meet US again.
    Hugs by Heidrun

  7. Congrats! I hope you keep on blogging!


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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