January 16, 2025

Ice Flows over Basalt Flows

Shenandoah National Park

Skywatch / Water H2O Thursday

Indian Run Overlook along Skyline Drive is a great place to view ice flowing over the rocks like waterfalls. I’ve been going there every winter for several years. This feature is only 11 miles from Front Royal.

I don’t see waterfalls at this spot in the summer. The rocks are simply wet with water from springs, and a drainage ditch carries the water away.

A geology page  describes the rock formation here: “The basal basalt flow of the Catoctin Formation is exposed in the roadcut by the overlook.”


  1. Something different and beautiful!!
    Thank you Linda!!

  2. Wow, looks like many frozen waterfalls

  3. Wow, that is a lot of ice, it looks like a waterfall.
    Take care, Happy Friday! Wishing you a great weekend.

  4. Oh how beautiful the ice falls over the rocks are! Thanks for capturing this and sharing with me. Water, water - doing it's many things on the faces of the earth!

  5. ...a common sight in the Adirondacks too.

  6. So beautiful! So many winter scenes that get missed here in the desert.

  7. Great photos, I guess ice and basalt go together, fire and ice!!

  8. Amazing how flowing water can freeze. Beautiful photos!

  9. I have seen this before, but didn’t know much about why this was. Thanks for the explanation.

  10. Nature does create perfect images, doesn’t She.

  11. I can see why you'd make it an annual trip. Amazing photos.

  12. Wow, that is so very beautiful.


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