January 15, 2025

American Goldfinch, January

Although our goldfinches are small, they don’t seem to mind winter weather, and will stay out to feed during a snowstorm.


Now we still have snow on the ground, but it has melted off the trees and large shrubs. Our temperatures remain cold though, seldom rising above freezing even on sunny afternoons. It is unusual for snow to remain on the ground for this long in Virginia. I’ve been replenishing the seed in my birdfeeders.


  1. Hello,
    The goldfinches are so cute, I have not seen them around my yard. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Put out some nyjer (niger) seed. They love it!

  2. One of those cosmic synchronistic things just happened...listening to NPR classical station as I clicked on your post about goldfinches, they announced a Vivaldi piece with a flute playing a goldfinch. So today I shall be thinking about all kinds of goldfinches. Pretty little fellows that they are.

  3. Wonderful photos of your birds.

  4. It’s wonderful to hear about the goldfinches braving the winter weather! They’re such resilient little birds, and it’s always a treat to see them despite the cold. It’s interesting how the snow has stuck around longer than usual for Virginia, but it’s nice that you’re helping the local birds by keeping the feeders stocked. Stay warm and enjoy the winter birdwatching!


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