December 6, 2024

People-Watching Over Coffee

Do you have combination gas stations/ coffee shops/ convenience stores? We have a number of them here in Virginia.

I often stop at Sheetz because they have clean restrooms and decent coffee. It’s a chain that is centered in Pennsylvania and has expanded to other eastern states. Their larger stores have seating areas where you can consume food.


  1. Hello,
    We have Sheetz here in Maryland too. Their bathrooms are usually clean. Have a happy weekend.

  2. People-watching is an interesting pastime; sometimes dismaying!

  3. It seems that serving or choosing coffee requires a great concentration ! I like your pictures

  4. We don’t have a Sheetz in our immediate area but have passed them on our drives. Good to know they are a decent stopover.

    1. Also meant to say people watching and candid photos are always interesting. Good captures!

  5. This was supposed to be an addition to my previous message about Sheetz. Not sure what happened to it.

  6. I have not heard of Sheetz before. Some gas stations in town have a mini-mart, but no coffee shops. Oh! That's not true, we have a few truck stops that have everything. The Interstate runs through town, so they are popular.


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